ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Haematology

ESTRO 2024


The dose coverage in the inguinal, external iliac, and cervical LN areas was suboptimal when treatment is administered according to the TMI plan. This research demonstrates that the automatic delineation of LN areas using deep learning can facilitate the implementation of TMLI.

Keywords: TMLI, Auto-contouring, dose accessement


Wong JYC, Filippi AR, Scorsetti M, Hui S, Muren LP, Mancosu P. Total marrow and total lymphoid irradiation in bone marrow transplantation for acute leukaemia. Lancet Oncol. 2020;21(10):e477-e487. doi:10.1016/S1470 2045(20)30342-9

Isensee F, Jaeger PF, Kohl SAA, Petersen J, Maier-Hein KH. nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning based biomedical image segmentation. Nat Methods. 2021;18(2):203-211. doi:10.1038/s41592-020-01008-z


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Radiation therapy before CAR-T in large B cell lymphoma: a real world, single institution review

Amanda J Swan, Wallis Urquhart, Stuart Walter, Frances Yuille, Carolyn Bedi

Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Clinical Oncology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom


CAR-T cell therapy was approved for the treatment of relapsed or recurrent large B cell lymphoma in the UK in December 2018 following publication of the ZUMA 1 trial (1). Given the duration of CAR-T production, a need for bridging therapy in this group of patients is clear. Here we present our experience of using radiotherapy as a bridging treatment in patients accepted for CAR-T cell therapy.


Patients referred for consideration of CAR-T cell therapy between December 2018 and April 2023 were collected from the Edinburgh Cancer Centre local database. 18 patients were identified. Electronic patient records and radiotherapy records were reviewed to investigate use of radiotherapy as a bridging treatment.

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