ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Head & neck
ESTRO 2024
Although limited by small numbers this preliminary data suggests that for patients undergoing organ preservation treatment protocols for HPC where locoregional disease control is achieved, long term swallow-related QOL is adequate (composite MDADI ≥60) with the majority of patients managing soft -to-normal diet textures (PSS-HN Normalcy of Diet ≥50), and only approximately one fifth of patients requiring long term tube feeding. Conversely the PSS-HN Eating in Public scale showed the majority of patients in this cohort were still wary of where, and with whom they ate post-treatment. Although 93% of patients had reported that they were able to eat soft-to normal diet textures, this scale indicates that patients would still choose to eat alone or with selected persons, or to restrict their intake to less challenging dietary textures when in public to avoid any risk of difficulties. Outcomes from larger cohorts are needed to characterise long-term swallow function post-(C)RT for HPC further and will be useful to counsel patients newly diagnosed with this disease regarding long-term function, and inform multidisciplinary team decisions regarding prophylactic feeding tube requirement. It is vital to include patient reported outcome measures to understand the impact of reduced swallowing performance on patients’ QOL and daily activity.
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