ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Head & neck

ESTRO 2024

During the last decade, based on pathophysiological concepts and PENTOCLO favorable therapeutic results [1], a retrospective study was realized on all inoperable patients with advanced-fractured ORN, treated at Hôpital Saint Louis, single-center setting.


Eighty patients, 64 ±9 years old, presented an advanced ORN within 7 ±10 years after RT, bilateral in 31 (39%). Mandibular bone was exposed (mean 22 ±13 mm) with mandibular fracture (Epstein stage IIIB) without healing for 15 ±16 months, despite usual care with short antibiotherapy, local curettage and/or hyperbaric oxygen. The mandibular fracture site was the body and angle in 71% (57/80) of cases. It occurred after mechanical trauma (large sequestration, forced trismus, repeated surgeries), tooth extraction, acute step on chronic infection (cellulitis, abscess, purulence) and/or hypo-vascularization (carotid).

All patients received a 6-week "DISINFILTRATING treatment" (phase 1) combining prednisone 20mg- amoxicillin/clavulanate 2g - ciprofloxacin 1g - fluconazole 50mg.

A PENTOCLO combination (Pentoxifylline 800mg- Tocopherol 1000mg- Clodronate 1600mg) was further introduced (phase 2) until mucosal healing, helped until purulence control, if any, by a continuous clindamycin (300-600mg/day) prescription. Then, a maintenance TRICO treatment (clodronate 1600mg - colchicine 1mg) with cholecalciferol supplementation, was administered (phase 3), as a relay, in order to obtain superficial (avoid rebound effect by insufficient duration of treatment) and bone (strength of the callus) consolidation.


Treatments were tolerated.

Symptomatic improvement was observed in all patients after phase 1.

A complete mucosal healing was progressively achieved using PENTOCLO in a median time of 15 ±7 months: (a) most patients underwent “spontaneous” removal of a bulky sequestra (mean 19 ±11 mm) during phase 2 follow up; (b) objective response combined a reduction then cessation of analgesics, discontinuation of antibiotic therapy (mean 7 ±4 months), and closed skin fistulae. Then, phase 3 TRICO helped to improve or achieve bone healing : a progressive radiological consolidation of the fracture in 18-42 months for 90% of patients with unexpected delayed and solid bone callus (except for surgical catch-up for mobility, carcinologic evolution, or death).


Advanced-fracture mandibular ORN may be conservatively and successfully managed in a curative intent. This cohort of 80 fragile patients, the largest ever described, has made it possible to define an innovative and effective therapeutic sequence, in real life, using "DESINFILTRANT- PENTOCLO -TRICO" combinations, whenever radical surgery was not an option.

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