ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Head & neck

ESTRO 2024

respectively. Pathological T1, T2, T3, T4A were 34(13%), 115(45%), 59(23%), 48(20%); pathological N0, N1, N2A, N2B, N3 were 137 (54%),40 (16%), 14(5%), 34(13%), 31(12%); Stage I, II, III, IVA, IVB were 31(12%), 69(27%), 48(19%), 77(30%), 31(12%). The mean number of nodes dissected were 29 (range 2-63); mean number of positive nodes among them were 2.7 (1-14); mean percentage positive nodes were 10.5% (range 2-82%); ECE was positive in 47(18%). 231(90%) patients required adjuvant treatment - Post op RT in 99(39%), post op RT+CT in 85(33%) and 47(18%) defaulted adjuvant treatment. At a median follow-up of 33 months (0.2-73.5) and 54 months in alive patients, 68 patients had recurrence of disease (any local - 43, any distal - 19) and 85 patients have expired. Median DFS and OS were not reached, the 3 year DFS and OS were 69.9% and 72.4% respectively. On univariate analysis, age, gender, presence of co morbidities, site of primary, margin status, T size, bone involvement did not show statistically significant OS difference (p value >0.05). Grade-3 tumour, DOI >1cm, presence of LVI, PNI and ECE, T3-T4 disease (v/s T1-T2), node positive disease, % positive node >5% (v/s <5%), N2-N3 (v/s N0-N1), type of neck dissection – others (v/s MND), stage III-IV (v/s I-II) showed statistically significant OS difference (p value <0.05). On multivariate analysis, only higher tumour grade showed significant OS difference (p value= 0.01).


Though surgery remains the primary modality of treatment, significant number of patients will require adjuvant treatment. The clinico-pathological prognostic factors help determine the need for adjuvant treatment which ultimately influence the recurrence and survival outcomes.

Keywords: oral cavity, surgery, adjuvant RT


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Burden of dysphagia after changes in high-dose CTV margins for head and neck cancer patients

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