ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Mixed sites, palliation
ESTRO 2024
The prognostic value of DMV for OS and WFFS was confirmed in two independent cohorts. The discriminatory strength and time-dependent prognostication of DMV matched that of the discovery cohort. DMV's potential to guide post-progression treatment and select patients for repeat metastases-directed therapy or systemic therapy adjustments warrants further prospective study.
Keywords: Oligometastasis, prognostic score, validation
1. Willmann J, Vlaskou Badra E, Adilovic S, Christ SM, Ahmadsei M, Mayinger M, et al. Distant metastasis velocity as a novel prognostic score for overall survival after disease progression following stereotactic body radiotherapy for oligometastatic disease. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 2022. doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2022.06.064
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