ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Brachytherapy - GI, paediatric, miscellaneous
ESTRO 2024
37 patients continue to be on observation Fig 1. Hence organ preservation rate achieved in 37( 62.7%0. of the patients. Of the 22 patients undergoing surgery complete pathological response was seen in 5 (22.5%) of the patients. Sphincter-preserving surgeries were done in 15(68%) of the patients.
The primary T stage affected the outcomes. The majority 12 of the 13 (92%) T2 tumors achieved cCR whereas 28 of the 46 (60.8%) patients had cCR/nCR p_0,04
Till now Grade 2 late rectal toxicity has been observed in 3 patients and grade 3 in 2 patients
Updated results will be presented in the meeting
Dose Escalated Radiotherapy using MRI guided Ir 192 –brachytherapy leads to better complete and near complete clinicoradiological thus improving the rate of organ preservation for distal rectal cancers
Keywords: Rectal brachytherapy, Organ preservation
1. Appelt AL, Pløen J, Harling H, Jensen FS, Jensen LH, Jørgensen JCR, et al. High-dose chemoradiotherapy and watchful waiting for distal rectal cancer : a prospective observational study. :919–27.
2. Sun Myint A, Smith FML, Gollins S, Wong H, Rao C, Whitmarsh K, et al. Dose Escalation Using Contact X-ray Brachytherapy After External Beam Radiotherapy as Nonsurgical Treatment Option for Rectal Cancer: Outcomes From a Single-Center Experience. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys [Internet]. 2018;100(3):565–73. Available from:
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