ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Upper GI

ESTRO 2024

combined with adenocarcinoma of the EG junction. There were 37 esophageal cancers alone, 18 synchronous esophageal cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head/neck, and 6 metachronous esophageal cancers (2 oral cavity, 1 oropharynx, 1 thyroid, 1 prostate, and 1 liver cancer). The IndCT regimen consists of weekly ME-P-FL (methotrexate + epirubicin, cisplatin, 5-fluouracil + leucovorin) with/without taxanes (docetaxel or paclitaxel) for 12 weeks, followed by IMRT 50.4 Gy/28 fractions plus concurrent monthly cisplatin + 5-fluouracil or weekly cisplatin.


Fifty-three of 61 (86.9%) patients can complete the planned IndCT and 80.3% of patients finish the CCRT/RT. The overall response rate to IndCT is 92.7% (complete response 35%) for evaluable patients. The most common grade 3/4 toxicities were neutropenia (53.9%), leucopenia (38.4%), anemia (19.2%), and thrombocytopenia (9.6%) during IndCT phase. Sixteen patients received esophagectomy after the whole chemoradiotherapy and pathological complete response were observed in 7 patients (43.8%). In addition, 4 patients had residual tumor foci of less than 5 mm. After a short follow-up (median 16 months), the 1-year and 2-year overall survival (OS) rates are 79.8% and 60.3%, respectively. Univariate analyses revealed that initial presentation of distant metastasis (yes vs. no, P=0.020), advanced T-stage (T3-4 vs T1-2, P=0.050), pretreatment low serum albumin (< vs. > 3.5, P<0.001), high neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (> vs < 4, P=0.038), IndCT with no taxanes (vs. taxanes-containing regimen, P=0.032), single esophageal cancer (vs. synchronous/metachronous esophageal cancer, P=0.015) predict worse OS. The other variables (age, gender, N-stage, response to IndCT, esophagectomy or not, initial weight loss, pretreatment serum markers of LDH, SCC, CEA, and BMI showed no significant impact on survival.


Preliminary results of our IndCT followed by CCRT/RT are feasible for esophageal cancer with encouraging preliminary outcome. This novel protocol deserves to study in future trials to compare with the standard neoadjuvant CCRT followed by surgery.

Keywords: esophageal cancer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy


Digital Poster

CBCT-based online adaptive radiotherapy of esophageal cancer: first clinical experiences

Nicolas Bachmann 1 , Daniel Schmidhalter 2 , Frédéric Corminboeuf 2 , Manser Peter 2 , Ekin Ermis 1 , Daniel M. Aebersold 1 , Hossein Hemmatazad 1 1 Bern University Hospital (Inselspital), Radiation Oncology, Bern, Switzerland. 2 Bern University Hospital (Inselspital), Division of Medical Radiation Physics and Department of Radiation Oncology, Bern, Switzerland


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