ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Interdisciplinary - Education in radiation therapy

ESTRO 2024

In this section (Figure 2), respondents had to evaluate from 1 (totally disagree) to 10 (totally agree), about the degree of acceptance of different statements.

The results showed that most participants considered that our job field is little known in the hospital (70% with a score < 5). As for the duration of the residency training program, 82% responded that there are radiotherapy techniques that they will not be able to learn during their training period. As for research activity, there is a broad consensus (78%) that it will be essential to get a job in the desired location. All surveyors consider that mentoring is important for this activity and that basic research should have greater weight during the residency (78%). However, 24% consider that their environment during training does not support clinical or basic research, and 58% that this activity is more of an imposition and a source of stress. Most of the respondents (68%) would prefer to devote more time to the clinic and less to research.

Finally, regarding the workload, 76% considered that it was too high (22% with scores of 9-10).

D): satisfaction and job expectations

Regarding job expectations, the answers were very homogeneous: 24% consider that it will not be difficult for them to find a job as a Radiation Oncologist at the end of their training, and 16% strongly agree that it will be difficult to do so. However, only 18% knew of a specialist who has spent 6 months or more without working in a radiotherapy oncology service. According to satisfaction with the specialty, 50% of participants met a colleague who had abandoned it during the residency and 30% had raised it on some occasion. However, the level of satisfaction was good, being scored in 100% of the cases with >= 7.


The lack of knowledge of this specialty seems to be the main reason why it was left behind during the specialty election. A greater presence in universities seems to be an important part of the solution. In addition, it is a specialty with an important scientific activity whose inclusion during residency training seems essential. A solution to increase research training programs in parallel to clinical training could be to extend residency to 5 years.

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