ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Interdisciplinary - Education in radiation therapy

ESTRO 2024

realise Therapeutic Radiography is the right course for me”, and that “it’s definitely the job I want to go in to”, others explained that they will “definitely apply to Therapeutic Radiography”.


The results clearly demonstrate that the collaborative open days established are effective at increasing prospective student’s knowledge surrounding Therapeutic Radiography and can provide a more detailed insight in comparison to a single clinical visit. The overwhelming majority of participants felt more knowledgeable regarding the profession, day to day role and what clinical placement will entail. This indicates that the event has improved the information delivered to prospective students and will have a positive impact upon the recruitment of suitable students. There is also the potential to reduce attrition attributed to ‘wrong career choice’ through ensuring students are fully informed prior to admission. Consequently, the intention is to pursue further research by means of follow up of the student cohort who enroll on a Therapeutic Radiography course at the University of Liverpool following open day attendance. This longitudinal follow up will identify if the open day is effective at reducing student attrition and therefore identifying a method to assist in overcoming the current workforce crisis amongst Therapeutic Radiographers.

Keywords: Recruitment, open days, collaboration


1. The College of Radiographers (2021) Approvals and Accreditation Board; Annual report 2020-2021. Available at: Reports/Approval-and-Accreditation-Board;-Annual-Report-20 (Accessed 20th July 2023) 2. The College of Radiographers (2022) Radiotherapy Radiographic Workforce UK Census 2021.Available at: publications/Reports-and-Surveys/Radiotherapy-Radiographic-Workforce-UK-Census-2021 (Accessed July 2023) 3. Society and College of Radiographers (2021) Radiotherapy Reducing Pre-Registration Attrition and Improving Retention. Available at: publications/Documents-and-publications/Policy-Guidance-Document-Library/Reducing-Pre-registration Attrition-and-Improving. (Accessed July 2023)


Digital Poster

Education and Training Needs of Health Care Professionals Encountering Lung Oligometastatic Cancers

Daphne Jo Valmonte

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Radiation Oncology, Toronto, Canada


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