ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Interdisciplinary - Education in radiation therapy

ESTRO 2024

The training program was assessed by an internal and/or external audit in 24/28 (85.7%) countries.

Residents in 20 out of 28 countries (71.4%) took at least one official examination during RO/CO training, and in 9 out of those 20 countries (45%), the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) were assessed during the examination. The examination was mandatory in 20 of the 20 countries (100%). The most commonly used tools for examination were: oral examination (n = 17; 85%), objective structured clinical examination (n = 13; 65%), multiple-choice questionnaire (n = 9; 45%), and direct clinical examination (n=8; 40%). Twenty-three countries (82.1%) had a formal continuous assessment system for residents, and in 9 of those 23 countries (39.1%), the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) were assessed during continuous assessment. Continuous assessment was mandatory in 20 out of the 23 countries (87%). The most commonly used tools for continuous assessment were: Logbook/portfolio (n = 17; 73.9%), direct clinical examination (n =16; 69.6%), oral examination (n = 14; 60.9%), and feedback from multiple sources (n = 12; 52.2%).

More information about examination(s) and continuous assessment is provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Information about examination(s) and continuous assessment organization in radiation oncology during RO/CO training:

Who organizes the examination(s) and/or the continuous assessment in your country? (Multiple answers are possible)

Official examination(s) (Total 20 countries)

Formal continuous assessment (Total 23 countries)

N (%)

N (%)

The program director/ training supervisor

8 (40%)

17 (74%)

The head of department of the radiation oncology training center/department

2 (10%)

8 (34.8%)

(The Dean of) The Faculty of Medicine of the University

2 (10%)

3 (13%)

The national society of RO/CO

5 (25%)

2 (8.7%)





3 (15%)

0 (0%)

Recognition board

The Ministry of Health

5 (25%)

4 (17.4%)

A national examination committee

3 (15%)

3 (13%)


4 (20%)

3 (13%)

Nineteen out of 28 respondents (67.8%) would be in favor of a European certification in RO/CO.

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