ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose calculation algorithms

ESTRO 2024

DVH differences – which are voxel dose differences – being in all cases within 4% (PTV), in most of them the variations in D98% and D2% were significant (p<0.05). The 3D GPR evaluations indicated that relevant disagreements between dose distributions emerged only when using AAA and AXB on the same oCT, with an average GPR(1%,1.25mm)=82±4%, as opposed to using the same algorithm for rCT and oCT scans, with average GPR=99.8±0.3%. Regarding the clinical assessment, rCT_Ls displayed pixelation in the brain (rating: 1 [IQR=0]), while rCT_NLs (rating: 3.75 [IQR=1.25]) showed no discernible difference from oCTs (rating: 4 [IQR=1]). P-value was significant only for rCT_Ls vs. oCTs. Median values for all other structures exceeded 4.

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