ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Dose prediction, optimisation and applications of photon and electron planning

ESTRO 2024

1 - Yolanda Prezado, Gregory Jouvion, Annalisa Patriarca, Catherine Nauraye, Consuelo Guardiola, Marjorie Juchaux, Charlotte Lamirault, et al. “Proton Minibeam Radiation Therapy Widens the Therapeutic Index for High Grade Gliomas.” Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (November 7, 2018): 16479. 8. 2 - Moghaddasi, L., P. Reid, E. Bezak, and L.G. Marcu. “Radiobiological and Treatment-Related Aspects of Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 6 (2022). 3 - Perl, J., J. Shin, J. Schümann, B. Faddegon, and H. Paganetti. “TOPAS: An Innovative Proton Monte Carlo Platform for Research and Clinical Applications.” Medical Physics 39, no. 11 (2012): 6818–37. 4 - Faddegon, Bruce, José Ramos-Méndez, Jan Schuemann, Aimee McNamara, Jungwook Shin, Joseph Perl, and Harald Paganetti. “The TOPAS Tool for Particle Simulation, a Monte Carlo Simulation Tool for Physics, Biology and Clinical Research.” Physica Medica: PM: An International Journal Devoted to the Applications of Physics to Medicine and Biology: Official Journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB) 72 (April 2020): 114–21. 5 - Koksal Akbas, Canan, and A. Spinelli. “PO-1781 Monte Carlo Simulations and Verification of a Commercial Image Guided Small Animal Irradiator.” Radiotherapy and Oncology 182 (May 1, 2023): S1503. 6 - Schneider, Wilfried, Thomas Bortfeld, and Wolfgang Schlegel. “Correlation between CT Numbers and Tissue Parameters Needed for Monte Carlo Simulations of Clinical Dose Distributions.” Physics in Medicine & Biology 45, no. 2 (February 2000): 459.


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Impact of arc geometry in hybrid planning for left sided breast cancer RT with lymphnode involvement

Abhilasha Saini, Eva Samsøe

Zealand University Hospital, Department of Clinical Oncology and Palliative Care, Næstved, Denmark


The objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of arc geometry in hybrid radiotherapy (RT) planning of left sided breast cancer patients with lymph node involvement receiving hypofractionated radiotherapy. The planning technique uses a combination of static fields and volumetric arcs with three different arc geometries. The aim is to find an arc length suitable in hybrid planning that helps supplement the classical dose distribution of tangent based plans without worsening the known late toxicity profile for this technique. This is partly achieved by restricting the contribution coming from the arc fields to 50% while the other half is achieved by an optimal arc geometry.


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