ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Image acquisition and processing
ESTRO 2024
Digital Poster
Ethos HyperSight: what is the added value compared to conventional ring gantry cone-beam CT
Britt Kunnen 1 , Agustinus J.A.J. van de Schoot 1 , Kimm P. Fremeijer 1 , Elise M. Nicolai-Koornneef 1 , Kirsten Offereins-van Harten 1 , Judith H. Sluijter 1 , Nienke D. Sijtsema 1 , Esther Oomen-de Hoop 2 , Abdelmounaim el Yaakoubi 2 , Femke E. Froklage 1 , Kim C. de Vries 1 , Maarten L.P. Dirkx 1 , Joan J. Penninkhof 1 , Steven F. Petit 1
1 Erasmus MC, Radiotherapy, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2 Erasmus MC, Hematologie, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The recently revealed novel HyperSight CBCT imaging system (Varian Medical Systems) promises image quality advancement. The aim of this prospective study was to assess the added value of Ethos HyperSight CBCT compared to conventional Ethos CBCT in terms of tumor and normal tissue visibility and suitability for online adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients.
Twenty consecutive prostate cancer patients treated with either 20x3.0 Gy or 20x3.1 Gy using CBCT-guided radiotherapy were included in this study after providing informed consent (MEC-2022-0815). According to our current clinical practice, 19 patients had gold markers implanted. Treatments were performed between April 2023 and September 2023 on interchangeable Ethos systems equipped with either HyperSight CBCT or conventional CBCT imaging. Conventional CBCT images were acquired using the predefined acquisition mode (Pelvis Fast) and reconstructed using an iterative algorithm. HyperSight CBCT image acquisition was also performed using a predefined acquisition mode (Pelvis) including automatic mAs adjustment, while the iterative reconstruction process also included metal artefact reduction. Treatment fractions were scheduled on both treatment machines in order to obtain a HyperSight CBCT and conventional CBCT imaging pair acquired on consecutive days once every week. Three CBCT imaging pairs per patient were included, resulting in a total of 120 included CBCT images. (Figure 1)
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