ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Physics - Intra-fraction motion management and real-time adaptive radiotherapy
ESTRO 2024
Despite the detectors’ symmetrical positioning relative to the central beam axis, it was observed that each detector records PGT distributions with distinct shapes when compared to those measured by other detectors (Figure 2). This phenomenon suggests that a straightforward summation of signals from multiple detectors cannot be applied to have an augmented signal providing increased statistics, and additional assumptions for combining signals from all available detectors need to be developed. Thus, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of the current PGT setup are conducted to establish a reference for each detector or to enable the deconvolution of position-depending factors influencing the final distribution.
Under simplified conditions (without the RC), the PGT was able to distinguish the introduced LRSs when the time distributions from eight alike irradiations were summed up to imitate the combined signal from eight detectors). However, the same analysis approach involving only one feature of the time distribution did not work on measurements with the RC.
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