ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Radiomics, functional and biological imaging and outcome prediction

ESTRO 2024


Oxygen-enhanced changes were measured in the whole prostate on the MR-Linac, demonstrating the feasibility of OE-MRI. Significant signal changes were seen in seven out of the nine patient visits indicating that it is possible to observe a signal change in the prostate induced by the patient breathing 100% oxygen. Oxygen signal changes varied across the cohort which could be due to underlying pathophysiology. Further work is required to assess the accuracy of image registration This technical work on OE-MRI in the whole prostate will be combined with other multiparametric MR imaging techniques to assess feasibility of imaging tumour hypoxia on the MR Linac in a larger study.

Keywords: Oxygen-Enhanced MRI, Hypoxia, Prostate


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