ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Radiomics, functional and biological imaging and outcome prediction

ESTRO 2024

Sixty-four patients that had full FDG-PET/CT radiomics and immune profile data available were included in the study. We were not able to build a reliable CT-based radiomic model of patient overall survival. However, PET-based radiomic model scored AUC=0.748 +/- 0.048 and AUC=0.701 +/- 0.128 in tuning and testing, respectively (Fig. 1). The model was based on GLCM_MCC, GLDZM_LDE, and NGLDM_LDE radiomic features. Stratification of the data set based on the outputs of the model resulted in “low risk” and “high risk” groups with significantly different survival (p-value < 0.001; Fig. 2A). There were clear differences in immune cell composition between the two risk groups (Fig. 2B). Especially the Double Negative T-cells (DNT), CD4+ T-cells, and CD8+ T-cells were in higher concentrations in the “low risk” group. However, only for the DNT cells the difference was statistically significant (p-value=0.016, ROC-AUC = 0.679 (0.550 0.773).

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