ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Radiomics, functional and biological imaging and outcome prediction

ESTRO 2024

minimum redundancy and bootstrap-based machine learning approach to select the most significant RF and develop models. The resulting Prognostic Index (PI) was then tested on the validation cohort.


222 LARC patients were included (150 training and 72 validation cohorts).

54 (24.3%) achieved ‘complete response’. The first model variable included was Morphology_Diameter with a negative b coefficient, (b=-0.039377) meaning lower diameter tumours associated with 'complete response'. The second variable was the cm_inv_diff_norm_3D_avg which measures Grey-level homogeneity. The feature score is maximal if all Grey-levels are the same. In this scenario the variable was found with a negative b coefficient, unveiling that lower values of cm_inv_diff_norm_3D_avg were associated with ‘complete response’. When these two RFs were combined to form a PI, the model associated with ‘complete response’ ( AUC=0.70, 95%CL 0.62-0.78, p= 0.0001 ) in training and the results were confirmed in validation (A UC=0.70, 95%CI 0.60-0.80, p=0.0242 )(Fig1). On analysis of tumour regression, 139 (63%) achieved ‘good regression’. The first variable included in the regression model was the morph_vol_approx with a positive b coefficient (b=0.0000092075), meaning higher volume of lesion associated to ‘poor regression’. The second feature was szm_szhge_3D . According to IBSI, this emphasizes zone counts in the lower left quadrant of the Gray-Level-Size-Zone-Matrix, where small zone sizes and high Grey-levels are located. In the model, the features were found with positive b coefficient meaning that higher values of the feature are likely associated to poor regression. On this basis, the PI from these combined RFs associated with poor regression in training ( AUC=0.64, 95%CI 0.56-0.72, p= 0.0039 ) and validation ( AUC=0.66, 95%CI 0.53-0.84, p=0.0398 )(Fig1).


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