ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Physics - Radiomics, functional and biological imaging and outcome prediction

ESTRO 2024

In one of the largest cohorts of radiomic analysis in LARC patients undergoing NAT, 5,13 we report, in training and validation cohorts, that novel RF volume and diameter classifiers have strong associations to response and regression. These results highlight the potential role for non-invasive imaging-based classifiers of response in supporting clinical decision making. The study is strengthened as IBSI standardized features were used. Further expanded analysis on the interpretation of the textural features included in the models are warranted as is external validation in other patient populations. Further work is planned to incorporate biological data from circulating and tissue biomarkers, which we envisage will strengthen our understanding of radiobiology and support novel approaches to tumour phenotyping.

Keywords: Rectal, response, regression


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