ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Radiobiology - Normal tissue radiobiology

ESTRO 2024


ClearCheck (Radformation) proves to be a useful supportive tool for the physicist: it greatly simplifies the conversion to EQD2 and allows the complete DVH to be obtained in no time. It also allows to correctly evaluate a possible reirradiation or sequential or simultaneous treatments by calculating the sum plan between converted plans in EQD2.

Keywords: Hypofractioning, DVH analysis, EQD2.


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Variability in chromosomal radiosensitivity of breast cancer patients before and after radiotherapy

Renu Dayal 1 , Liv Veldeman 1 , Anne Vral 1 , Ans Baeyens 2

1 Ghent University, Human structure and repair, Gent, Belgium. 2 Ghent University, Human structure and repairir, Gent, Belgium


Breast cancer patients are often treated with standard radiotherapy (RT), regardless of their individual genomic arrangements and its varying response towards irradiation. Understanding the individual’s response towards ionizing radiation will aid in the development of more personalized radiotherapeutic schedules for cancer patients, thereby reducing the risk for side effects and developing secondary tumors. Our study aimed to explore how radiotherapy treatment affects the DNA of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of breast cancer patients. We also assessed chromosomal radiosensitivity in PBMCs of breast cancer patients before and after radiotherapy, evaluating the intra-individual variability and the suitability of the MN assay as biomarker of individual radiosensitivity.

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