ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
S5300 ESTRO 2024 We gratefully acknowledge funding support from the Medical Research Council (Grant Number: MC_PC_MR/X012433/1). Radiobiology - Normal tissue radiobiology
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Validation of a ClearCheck tool for EQD2 Constraint Calculation
Elisa Bonanno 1 , Giuseppina Borzì 1 , Nina Cavalli 1 , Andrea Girlando 2 , Carmelo Marino 1 , Martina Pace 1 , Lucia Zirone 1
1 Humanitas - Istituto Clinico Catanese, Medical Physics, Catania, Italy. 2 Humanitas - Istituto Clinico Catanese, Radiotherapy, Catania, Italy
Over the past two decades, hypofractionation has been shown to be effective with respect to tumor local control as conventionally fractionated. However, the evaluation of a hypofractionated plan cannot be separated from a verification of compliance with OAR constraints. The aim of this work is the validation of an automated software to convert the current fractionation scheme to 2Gy fraction equivalent (EQD2) for the different structures.
Humanitas I.C.C. Medical Physics Department was provided by an integrated Eclipse (Varian Medical Systems) tool that allows to perform automated plans check - ClearCheck (RADformation). The user can enter the / ratio for each organ, ClearCheck examines each dose point in the DVH data, extracts the current dose and calculates the new dose with a 2Gy/fractionation scheme. For 10 hypofractionated plans, the software calculation and the manual calculation were compared for EQD2 verification.
For all plans and all OARs, the difference in the EQD2 between the software calculation and the manual calculation is not significantly different. The DVHs are perfectly overlapping as shown in the figure, corresponding to a lung plan at 6 Gy/fr.
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