ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Radiobiology - Normal tissue radiobiology
ESTRO 2024
The degree of radiation induced intestine injury is most severe in X3-KO mice compared with other groups. The number of crypts, epithelial thickness and intestine length were significantly decreased in X3-KO mice. Mechanistically, the proportion of CD206 + M2 macrophage in lamina propria were reduced in X3-KO mice. Yet the number of CD86 + M1 macrophages remained unchanged. Besides, there were no difference in the number of CD4 + FoxP3 + Tregs and CD4 + IL-17a + Th17 (data not shown). To evaluate the role of microbiota in mediating radiation induced intestine injury, Abx model were used. The number of crypts, epithelial thickness and intestine length were rescued in Abs model after radiation compared with control group. The proportion of CCR2 + CX3CR1 + macrophages were significantly decreased in Abs model after radiation, indicating intestinal macrophage turnover is partly regulated by microbiota.
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