ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Patient experience and quality of life

ESTRO 2024

• Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) (for assessing the state of depression and level of severity); Range 25 49 normal range, 50-59 mildly depressed, 60-69 moderately, >70 severely depressed

• Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (for evaluating sleep quality). Scores >5 Bad sleep, <5 Good sleep, >60 Severe

(*) It should be remembered that the quality of sleep is affected by problems relating to the radiotherapy carried out since during the treatment all patients have nocturnal incontinence due to radio-induced cystitis.

12 Patients SGBA


Mild anxiety

58.30 %

89.65 %

Moderate/severe form of anxiety

41.60 %

10.35 %

Depression Scale (normal range)

83.40 %

93.10 %

Depression Scale (mildly range)

16.6 %

6.89 %

Bad Sleep (*)

83.30 %

55.17 %

Good sleep

16.6 %



Every time the doctor talks at length with the patients we get results, after an initial visit with an explanation of every side effect and the advice to take the supplements we get good results. From the data reported in the table it can be seen that the patients who followed the intake for the entire treatment had a significant improvement more in anxiety than in depression or sleep compared to the first interview.

Keywords: prostate cancer, supplement, anxiety


Digital Poster

Too much information? Detailed digital patient information prior to RT CT planning increases anxiety

Jennifer Golten 1 , Stuart Foyle 2 , Bethan Williams 2 , Dawn Withers 3 , Claire Bartholomew 1 , Fiona Williams 1 , Russell Banner 1 1 Singleton Hospital, Clinical Oncology, Swansea, United Kingdom. 2 Singleton Hospital, Radiotherapy, Swansea, United Kingdom. 3 Singleton Hospital, Research, Swansea, United Kingdom



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