ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT - Education, training, advanced practice and role developments

ESTRO 2024



Beyond Just in Time Learning: The Potential of an MR-integrated Radiation Therapy Training Program

Darby Erler 1,2 , Laura D'Alimonte 3,2 , Mikki Campbell 4,2 , Ruby Bola 1 , Nicole Harnett 5,2

1 Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, Radiation Therapy, Toronto, Canada. 2 University of Toronto, Radiation Oncology, Toronto, Canada. 3 Windsor Regional Hospital, Radiation Therapy, Windsor, Canada. 4 Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, Radiation Therapy, Ottawa, Canada. 5 Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Radiation Therapy, Toronto, Canada


Due to its superior soft-tissue contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has increasingly been incorporated into the radiation therapy (RT) care pathway through the use of MRI simulators and integrated MRI-guided treatment delivery systems. The adoption of MRI into the RT workflow is not trivial as significant challenges exist beyond MRI safety requirements including the appropriate training of radiation therapists (RTTs), especially with MR-guided adaptive treatment (MRgRT). Reports and recommendations on staffing and requisite training have been written but currently no consensus exists other than to recognize that typical RT training programs are not sufficient. 1–2 Current MRgRT training programs are limited to 2-3 day intensive courses and are not necessarily skill focussed. The purpose of this work was to design a comprehensive education program specifically for RTTs to acquire the knowledge, skills and judgement to safely operate MRI technologies in RT.


Curriculum design was informed by the findings of a modified Delphi study that identified core competencies required to safely operate MRI in RT and participate in MRgRT. Once program goals were articulated, an international, interprofessional advisory group undertook a curriculum mapping exercise and the first cohort commenced in 2022. Pilot evaluation was grounded in the Stages/Standard of Knowledge Utilization 3 . Formative evaluations were conducted after each session and summative course evaluations were administered post-course. Learners completed a pre and post-program assessment to determine if knowledge transfer occurred and if the program was successful in supporting the integration of MRI into their practice. The results of the program evaluation were used to make improvements for future offerings.


Keeping the working RTT in mind, a unique 31-week hybrid program was developed that combined on-line didactic with clinical consolidation through virtual labs and an intensive hospital experience. Results of course and program evaluations showed that learners valued instruction from practicing clinicians and examples from RT practice. They felt they acquired a deeper understanding of MRI language, interpreting images and safe MRI operation. The opportunity to practice activities such as screening, managing safety incidents and end-to-end on-line adaptive treatment workflows was appreciated. Pre and post program assessments were completed by 5/7 and 6/7 learners respectively. Results demonstrated increases in confidence and experience in integrating safe MRI principles into

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