ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - CNS

ESTRO 2024

In the pre-NHS PBT period, there were 2134 newly diagnosed patients for the 7 commonest PBT indications indicated in Table 1 compared to 461 individuals in the post-NHS PBT period. In the pre- and post-NHS PBT periods, there were 479 and 180 (accepted) PBT referrals, respectively. Table 1 provides the incidence and referral numbers broken down by age group, diagnosis group, and NHS region. For all diagnosis and age groups, there has been a rise in the PUP between the pre- and post-NHS PBT periods. The Medulloblastoma group, for which PBT was first commissioned in 2016, has seen the largest growth. With the establishment of the National NHS PBT service, the PUP in England has grown by 74% compared to the pre-NHS PBT period. This is considerable since the post-NHS PBT numbers represent only the first year of service. Notably, 58% of patients aged 0 to 15 with these 7 typical indications for PBT were referred and treated with PBT in the post-NHS PBT period. By indication category, Craniopharyngioma has the highest PUP in the period post- NHS PBT at 75%. By region, NHS region 5 (regions’ names omitted for confidentiality purpose) has the highest PUP post NHS-PBT at 58%. Figure 1 shows the change in PUP pre- and post- the NHS PBT service inception in 2018, by age group, diagnosis group and NHS region.


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