ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
Seventeen women were included in this study, of which ten women received para-aortic irradiation. All treatment plans met the EMBRACE-II aims and BMS constraints, except for an excess of V20Gy for two patients (0.4 and 2.2%). For baseline, during, and at three months after treatment, seventeen, seventeen, and nine MR scans were available. HT was evaluable in fifteen, sixteen, thirteen, thirteen, and eleven participants at respectively baseline, during treatment, and at one, two, and three months after treatment. Figure 1A. demonstrates that the mean BM fat fraction in the lumbar vertebras located inside the radiation field increased from 42% to 77% during treatment and remained stable up to three months after treatment. BM fat fraction in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebras outside the radiation field remained at similar levels as at baseline. In Figure 1B. it is shown that the mean BM fat fraction in the PB increased from 48-68% at baseline to 81-83% during treatment. As indicated in Figure 2, all women developed acute grade 2+ lymphopenia. The number of circulating leukocytes decreased during treatment and grade 2+ anemia, leukopenia, and neutropenia was seen in two, four, and one patient(s) during treatment. There were no other grade 2+ HT.
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