ESTRO 35 Programme book & Exhibition guide

• Protons or heavy ions?

• QA in clinical trials: processes, impact and future perspectives

• Quality beyond accuracy: are we failing to see the forest for the trees?

• Radiomics - the future of radiotherapy?

• Secondary cancer after radiotherapy: from cancer registries to clinical implications

• Selection of patients for proton therapy

• Standardisation in clinical practice

• Time is not on our side: cardiovascular toxicity after radiotherapy

• Towards Personalised Radiation Oncology (PRO)

• Uncovering the gap between optimal and actual utilisation of radiotherapy in Europe The multidisciplinary component of our profession will be highlighted in several joint sessions with other European and International oncology societies. The Scientific Programme Committee and Scientific Advisory Groups of ESTRO 35 are hard at work to develop the multidisciplinary component of the scientific programme. The educational aspects of ESTRO 35 will include pre-meeting courses, contouring workshops and multidisciplinary tumour board sessions. As in previous conferences, ESTRO 35 will offer a Young Scientists Track. This track is fully organised by our young members and it enables them to meet young colleagues, share common interests, network and start to build their own collaborative projects at an international level.



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