ESTRO 35 Programme book & Exhibition guide
It is our privilege and great pleasure to invite you to ESTRO 35 that will take place from 29 April to 3 May 2016 in Turin, Italy. ESTRO is an interdisciplinary society where radiation oncologists, medical physicists, biologists, brachytherapists and radiation therapists aspire to join forces with other organisations in the oncology field that share ESTRO’s vision of excellence in cancer treatment. At ESTRO 35, we draw attention to the multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinary components of our practice, with emphasis on the new opportunities that they represent for all professionals of oncology, not only in research but also in the daily care of patients. The interdisciplinary component of the scientific programme will include sessions on the following topics:
Philip Poortmans ESTRO 35 Chair
• Advisory Committee on Radiation Oncology Practice (ACROP)
• Adaptive radiotherapy for coping with anatomical variations: hope or hype? • Combining radiotherapy with molecular targeted agents: learning from successes and failures
Yolande Lievens ESTRO 35 SPC Chair
• Communication with patients
• Dose painting: those pending issues
• In room adaptive imaging with a focus on MRI
• Hot topics in SABR: time for randomised clinical trials?
• Modern ART based on functional / biological imaging
Ben Heijmen ESTRO 35 SPC Chair
• Moving away from 2 Gray: are we ready for a paradigm shift?
• New concepts of tumour radioresistance
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