ESTRO Guide 2018
Medical Science Summer School Oncology for Medical Students (Vienna/Groningen) Under the Umbrella of ESO, ESSO and ESTRO 2-11 July 2018 | Groningen, The Netherlands
The Summer Schools aim to teach a multidisciplinary approach to oncology to medical students before they enter the clinic.
TARGET GROUP Medical students in the final phase of their studies, with an interest in oncology.
COURSE AIM The course aims to:
• Teach a multidisciplinary approach to oncology to medical students in the final phase of their studies. • Help students become familiar with cancer care in general health practice, to reduce fear of patients with a malignant disease and to learn more about cancer related problems in other countries. • Introduce cancer related research and development, new technologies in diagnostic procedures (invasive and non-invasive) and modernmulti-disciplinary treatment approaches. • Familiarise students with preparing abstracts and posters and presenting at an international meeting. • Encourage critical scientific reasoning • Support the development of collaboration, and communication skills with peers fromall around the world and to help establish an international network.
FORMAT • Theeducational programme consistsofinteractive lectures and workshops. Students will focus on general aspects of cancer including biological aspects, diagnostic approaches, clinical issues and psycho-oncology. The lectures are given by medical, radiation and surgical oncologists, radiologists, physicists and psycho-oncologists. • The workshops and interactive courses go into more depth on the topics discussed in the lectures. The aim is to teach students how to deal with daily problems in clinical practice. In addition, students will have time to improve their abstract and prepare a poster at the end of the course. Writing and presentation skills will be practiced and improved during tutor guided sessions.
• Students take an informative exam before and at the end of the summer school covering the main course contents in order to evaluate and document the learning experience and knowledge obtained. • In the evenings a broad and lively social programme is foreseen.
PRACTICALITIES • Max 35 participants
• For registration, students need to send in, preferably, a motivational pitch (video) of max. one minute. If this is not possible, a motivational letter, an up-to-date resumé (CV), a letter of
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