ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT – Treatment planning, OAR and target definitions

ESTRO meets Asia 2024

and a lower absorbed dose in the ORAs, we conclude that the best plan is the one that is formed by 4 arcs (one started in 60º and finished in 220º and the other one started in 200º and finished in 220º).

Keywords: Radiotherapy, breast, VMAT


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Digital Poster

Assessment of Different Planning Strategies for Patients with Hip Prostheses in Radiotherapy.


Radiofisica, Hospital Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain


Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) is currently one of the most common techniques for cancer patients undergoing external beam radiotherapy due to its multiple advantages and good dose conformity. When evaluating a treatment plan, we often encounter high-Z metallic elements such as hip prostheses, which increase the complexity of planning as they attenuate the beam significantly. In this study, we will compare the exclusion segments and "Avoidance Structures" tools, which prevent direct beam entry into a structure during optimization, for different pathologies in patients with hip prostheses.


A. Material:

We used the Eclipse® version 13.6 treatment planning system from Varian Inc., the "Varian Clinac DHX 2100" accelerator, and the exclusion segments and Avoidance Structures tools.

B. Methods:

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