ESTRO 37 Abstract book
was applied at the discretion of the treating multidisciplinary team. Results From February 2011 to December June 2017, 148 patients met the inclusion criteria and were selected for analysis 114 patients with positive SLNs and at least one year since end treatment with Radiotherapy. The patients were treated with Hypofractionated radiation therapy (HFRT) with total dose of 40,05 Gy in 15 fractions over 3 weeks or once-weekly hypofractionated (32.5 Gy in 5 fractions /6.5 Gy once a week or 28,5 Gy in 5 fractions (5,7 Gy once a week). All patients had invasive breast carcinoma and 1 or 2 sentinel node metastasis. The average tumor size was 2 cm (0.6 to 3.7 cm). The size tumor: pT1b: 10,5%, pT1c: 48.2%, pT2: 40.4% pT3 0.9% (1 patientes). Median number of excised lymph nodes was 2 and sentinel node with metastasis was 1. Phenotipe was: Luminal A 38,6%, luminal B her2 – 43%, luminal B her2 + 10,5%, Triple negative 6,1% , Her2 + no luminal: 1,8%. At a median follow-up of 49 months, no regional recurrence was observed, and one recurrence in a different breast quadrant was presented. The 6 year disease free survival was 90.2% and global survival 90.3%.
hopelesness using Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and QoL using cancer-specific (EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ- B23) questionnaires. Questionnaires were administered on the first day of RT. Global health status/QoL (QL2) scale for the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire was scored from 0 to 100, the higher scores representing better QoL. Systemic therapy side effects scale (BRST) and future perspective scale (BRFU) for the EORTC QLQ-B23 questionnarie were scored from 0 to 100, the lower scores representing better QoL. Results PSQI scores ranged from 2 to 17 (median, 7). Scores over 8 were classified as poor sleepers. BDI scores ranged from 1 to 37 (median, 13). Scores over 10 were classified as having depression. BHS scores ranged from 0 to 12 (median, 3). Scores less than 4 were classified as having no hopelessness at all. Accordingly, there were 9 patients who were poor sleepers, 17 who had mild to severe depression and 13 who were hopeless. There was a strong, positive correlation between PSQI scores and BDI scores (p=0,004). There was a positive correlation between PSQI scores and BHS scores (p=0,09). EORTC QoL-C30 (QL2) scores ranged from 33 to 100 (mean, 64) EORTC QoL-BR23 (BRST) scores ranged from 0 to 90 (mean, 32) and EORTC QoL-BR23 (BRFU) scores ranged from 0 to 100 (mean, 40). There was a strong, positive correlation between PSQI scores and EORTC QoL-C30 (QL2) scores (p=0,02). There was a positive correlation between PSQI scores and EORTC Qol-BR23 (BRST and BRFU) scores (p=0,06 and p= 0.007). The mean EORTC QoLC30 (QL2) score for good sleepers was higher as compared to that for poor sleepers (69 versus 51, p=0.03) and the mean EORTCBR23 (BRST and BRFU) scores for good sleepers was lower as compared to those for poor sleepers (27 versus 42, p=0.20 and 32 vs 59, p=0.03). Conclusion Self-administered measurements such as PSQI, BDI, BHS and EORTCQ30 might be used as a simple means to collect data on multiple facets of SQ, the depression status and the level of hopelessness. In this study, poor sleep was prevalent among breast cancer patients, usually coupled with depression, hopelessness and poor QoL. Therefore, poor sleep deserves adequate medical attention in terms of supportive care. EP-1340 Assessment of risk/dosimetric factors of radiation induced toxicities in breast cancer radiotherapy M. Loos 1 , K.J. Borm 1 , M. Oechsner 1 , D. Paepke 1 , S.E. Combs 1 , M.N. Duma 1 1 Medical School- Technical University Munich- Munich- Germany, Department of Radiation Oncology- Klinikum Rechts der Isar- Technical University Munich- Munich- Germany, Munich, Germany Purpose or Objective 3DCRT is regarded as a standard therapy for breast cancer. Studies on IMRT postulate a better and more homogenous dose distribution and thus less side effects. The aim of our work was to examine risk/dosimetric factors of acute toxicities in a large cohort of patients treated with multiple field 3DCRT. Material and Methods The study comprises 276 patients with breast cancer. The median age was 54,5 (23-85 years). All patients received multiple filed, optimized, tangential 3DCRT. The median prescribed dose was 50,4 (range 50-50,4) median boost 10 Gray (range 0-16). All patients received whole breast irradiation (WBI). 38 patients had no boost, 137 a sequential boost of 10 and 100 patients 16 Gy (1.8-2 Gy single dose) . Toxicities were evaluated by CTCAE v 4.03. Both, the skin dose as well as the breast tissue dose were evaluated. Using the dosis of the mammary gland the patients were categorized in groups with < 105 % of the prescribed dose (pd WBI), 105 %-107 % or > 107 % . Further 110% of the prescribed dose was analyzed as it is
Conclusion In patients with limited SLN metastasis breast cancer treatment with breast conservative surgery and radiation therapy, the use of SLND and radiotherapy to levels I and II, avoiding the lymphadenectomy, provides excellent locoregional control and survival. The results of this study are limited by the short follow up EP-1339 Evaluation of Sleep Quality in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy E. Yirmibesoglu Erkal 1 , S. Karabey 1 , G. Aksu 1 , H. Erkal 2 1 Kocaeli University, Department of Radiation Oncology, Kocaeli, Turkey 2 Sakarya University, Department of Radiation Oncology, Sakarya, Turkey Purpose or Objective The etiology of sleep disturbances in breast cancer patients is multi-factorial. Demographic, environmental and lifestyle factors, psychological disturbances and comorbid disorders have been pointed to as main factors contributing for sleep disturbances. Cancer-related treatments, and their wide range of side effects, are other important feature frequently associated with the occurrence of sleep disturbances. In addition, the diagnosis of breast cancer and the associated treatments may also contribute for worsening pre-existing sleep problems. In this study, we aimed to assess the relation between radiation therapy and sleep disturbances in patients with breast cancer. Material and Methods Thirty women with breast cancer about to receive RT following breast conserving surgery were evaluated for sleep quality (SQ) using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), depression using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI),
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