• How to manage SCLC cancer patients with brain metastasis? (Cecile Le Pechoux): metachronous or synchronous brain metastases, different possibilities of treatment: local and/or systemic according to previous treatment, perspectives Chair: D. Zips (Germany) Co-Chair: J. Van Diessen (The Netherlands)
08:45 > Towards individualised dose-constraints for dose-limiting toxicity Speaker: R. Bütof (Germany)
09:03 > Functional-imaging guided dose-escalation Speaker: U. Nestle (Germany)
09:21 > New trends in the management of SCLC Speaker: U. Ricardi (Italy)
09:39 > How to manage SCLC cancer patients with brain metastases? Speaker: C. Le Pechoux (France), P. Gustin, A. Botticella, A. Levy
DEBATE This house believes that active surveillance is a good option for the management of low risk prostate cancer patients 08:45 - 10:00 | ROOM 117
Dr Valdagni will reflect on selection of patients for active surveillance (AS) and will show clinically insignificant prostate cancer does exist. By describing lessons learned, he will redirect AS from limiting overtreatment to addressing overdiagnosis. Dr Dearnaley uses outcome of ProtecT (screened cohort) and SPCG4 (clinical cohort) to show increased metastases in the screened group and improved survival in the treated group. He will describe the side effects of AS with regard to quality of life, the risks of increased biopsies and life-long follow-up. Further, he will show efficacy and low side effects of current radiotherapy treatment options. Chair: M. Van Vulpen (The Netherlands) Co-Chair: C. Ostheimer (Germany)
08:45 > For the motion
Speaker: R. Valdagni (Italy)
09:05 > Against the motion
Speaker: D.P. Dearnaley (United Kingdom)
09:25 > For the motion -rebuttal Speaker: R. Valdagni (Italy)
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