

> Absolute dosimetry with EBT3 films F.J. San Miguel Avedillo (Spain), F. Clemente Gutierrez > Detecting radiation-induced acoustic waves with a transperineal transducer for in vivo dosimetry S. Hickling (Canada), M. Hobson, I. El Naqa > Feasibility of a transit in vivo dosimetry method to monitor cumulative dose in lung SBRT treatments A. Latorre-Musoll (Spain), C. Cases Copestake, N. Jornet Sala, T. Eudaldo Puell, M. Lizondo Gisbert, P. Delgado-Tapia, P. Carrasco de Fez, A. Ruiz-Martínez, I. Valverde Pascual, M. Ribas Morales > Validation of computed dose distribution in the presence of titanium implants R. Righetto (Italy), P. Farace, W. Bonani, M. Cianchetti, M. Schwarz > Measurement of magnetic field correction factors for multiple radiation detectors for MR Linacs P. Gohil (United Kingdom), J. Agnew, J. Berresford, G. Budgell, I. Billas, S. Duane > Triggering adaptive intervention for head and neck weight loss cases, using an EPID in-vivo dosimetry solution S. Wong (United Kingdom), R. Biggar > Influence of a magnetic field on the dose deposited by a 6MV linac at tissue interfaces S.C. Richter (Germany), D. Mönnich, S. Pojtinger, O.S. Dohm, D. Zips, D. Thorwarth > Comparison of x-ray CT and proton based CT planning in the presence of titanium dental implants C. Oancea (Russian Federation), K. Shipulin, G. Mytsin, M. Gao, M. Pankuch, G. Coutrakon, C. Ordonez, R.P. Johnson, V. Bashkirov, R. Schulte  PO-0888 > Validation of transit EPID and application for Head; Neck adaptive radiotherapy N. Delaby (France), J. Bouvier, S. Sorel, F. Jouyaux, E. Chajon, J. Castelli, A. Barateau, C. Lafond  PO-0889 > EPID for QA and pre-treatment verification of electron beams in absolute dose using EpiDream method A. Sors (France), P. Dudouet, D. Franck, M. Macé, P. Boucarut, C. Boutry  PO-0890  PO-0881  PO-0882  PO-0883  PO-0884  PO-0885  PO-0886  PO-0887

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