


> Monte Carlo Quality Assurance platform for particle therapy W. Kozłowska (Switzerland), T. Böhlen, C. Cuccagna, A. Ferrari, D. Georg, A. Mairani, V. Vlachoudis > Comparison of CyberKnife multileaf collimator and variable aperture collimator in renal SBRT K. Morrison (United Kingdom), D. Henderson, V. Khoo, N. Van As > Dosimetric comparison of two planning target volume margin recipes for prostate radiotherapy A. Ahmad (Germany), E. CG Troost, S. Löck, W. Enghardt, T. Hölscher, L. Agolli, C. Valentini, P. Geyer > Normal tissue dose estimation using large databases for automatic plan selection of similar patients W. Van Elmpt (The Netherlands), T. Lustberg, J. Van Soest, M. Gooding, A. Dekker > Exploring dose-effect relationships for late fecal incontinence after modern radiotherapy W. Heemsbergen (The Netherlands), L. Incrocci, F. Pos, R. Wortel, J. Lebesque, M. Witte > Influence of inhomogeneous radiosensitivity and intrafractional movement on TCP in prostate cancer B. Thomann (Germany), I. Sachpazidis, K. Koubar, C. Zamboglou, P. Mavroidis, R. Wiehle, A.L. Grosu, D. Baltas > Dependency of patient risk stratification on PET target volume definition in Oesophageal cancer C. Parkinson (United Kingdom), K. Foley, P. Whybra, R. Hills, A. Roberts, C. Marshall, J. Staffurth, E. Spezi > Combining deep learning and radiomics to predict HPV status in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma A. Jochems (The Netherlands), R.T.H. Leijenaar, M. Bogowicz, F.J.P. Hoebers, F. Wesseling, S.H. Huang, B. Chan, J.N. Waldron, B. O’Sullivan, D. Rietveld, C.R. Leemans, O. Riesterer, S. Tanadini-Lang, M. Guckenberger, K. Ikenberg, P. Lambin





POSTER Physics track: (Radio)biological modelling





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