POSTER Physics track: Inter-fraction motion management (excl. adaptive radiotherapy)
> What CTV-to-PTV margins are required for esophageal cancer radiotherapy? M. Boekhoff (The Netherlands), A. Kotte, S. Mook, A. Borggreve, L. Goense, S. Heethuis, P. Van Rossum, A. Van Lier, J. Lagendijk, G. Meijer > Validation of margin recipes in endometrial cancer IMRT using deformable image registration I. White (United Kingdom), D. McQuaid, A. Dunlop, S. Court, N. Hopkins, M. Caputo, H. McNair, S. Lalondrelle > Positioning accuracy of two electromagnetic positioning systems in radiotherapy of prostate cancer A. Vanhanen (Finland), M. Kapanen > Fiducial markers and daily kV imaging improve patient setup during proton RT of esophageal cancer R. Apolle (Germany), M. Rehm, J. Thiele, S. Brückner, J. Hampe, E. Troost PO-0954 > Assessment of internal motion in rectal cancer radiotherapy using rigid and non-rigid approximation I. White (United Kingdom), D. McQuaid, A. Dunlop, S. Court, H. McNair, S. Bhide PO-0955 > A self-gated coronal 4D-MRI method for daily imaging of liver lesions on an MR-Linac T. Van de Lindt (The Netherlands), M. Fast, M. Nowee, E. Jansen, V. Pelt, U. Van der Heide, J.J. Sonke PO-0956 > Dose Delivery Accuracy for Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Endometrial Cancer S. Vieira (Portugal), M. Possanzini, J. Stroom, C. Greco PO-0957 PO-0951 PO-0952 PO-0953
POSTER Physics track: Adaptive radiotherapy for inter-fractionmotionmanagement
> Anatomical changes in oesophageal cancer patients: Posterior beam IMPT is more robust than IMRT D.S. Moeller (Denmark), M. Nordsmark, T.B. Nyeng, M. Alber, L. Hoffmann
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