ESTRO would like to extend a special thank you for the Chair of ESTRO 37, Yolande Lievens and the Chairs of the Advisory Groups, Umberto Ricardi, Christian Kirisits, Karin Haustermans, Marco Schwarz, Filipe Moura, Anthony Chalmers, Ludwig Dubois, Pierfrancesco Franco for having accepted the responsibility to develop the scientific programme. Special thanks to all the members of the scientific advisory groups, local organizing committee and abstract reviewers for their valuable contribution to the conference.
ESTRO welcomes as special guests:
ASTRO – American Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology EFOMP – European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics EORTC- European Organization for Research and Treatment Cancer ESGO – European Society of Gynaecological Oncology ESR – European Society for Radiology PROS – Paediatric Radiation Oncology Society
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