
SYMPOSIUM Partial organ treatments to minimise late radiation effects 08:45 - 10:00  | ROOM 116


This interdisciplinary session will open with a discussion of the current evidence for partial organ irradiation in prostate and breast cancer. We will then discuss different partial organ radiation techniques and the challenges of dose delivery for smaller fields. We will take a treatment planning focus for partial bladder irradiation with discussion of margins and plan libraries. The session will close with a discussion on the impact of partial organ irradiation on patient choice and survivorship. Chair: A. Stewart (United Kingdom) Co-Chair: M. Spalek (Poland)

08:45 > Evidence for partial organ treatments Speaker: R. Laing (United Kingdom)


09:03 > Variation in dose distribution by different radiation modalities Speaker: D. Georg (Austria)


09:21 > Partial bladder irradiation with a focus on treatment planning and IGRT Speaker: D. Eekhout (The Netherlands), M. Buijs, M. Frantzen-Steneker, F. Pos, P. Remeijer 09:39 > Do patients have the choice or information to opt for partial organ treatment and what are the associated survivorship issues Speaker: M. Davies (United Kingdom) SYMPOSIUM Radiotherapy combined with immunotherapy: mechanisms and biomarkers 08:45 - 10:00  | ROOM 120-121 This session will cover preclinical studies and clinical translation with immunomodulatory agents in combination with radiotherapy. Different strategies to enhance the immunostimulatory potential of radiation will be presented. Furthermore, mechanisms of both immune activating and immune suppressive effects of radiation will be discussed.



Chair: R. Syljuasen (Norway) Co-Chair: F. Eckert (Germany)

08:45 > Understanding the mechanisms of adding immunoregulatory agents together with radiotherapy Speaker: T. Illidge (United Kingdom)


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