Handbook for setting up courses

UNION EUROPÉENNE DES MÉDEC INS SPÉC IAL I STES EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDI CAL SPEC IAL I STS Association internationale sans but lucratif – International non-profit organisation


MCQs : A form of assessment in which respondents students are asked to answer a question by selecting the correct or best possible answer (or answers) from a list of options, whose purpose is to sample medical knowledge and understanding of a defined body of knowledge, preferably not just factual or easily recalled information

Learning Objective : An intended educational outcome for an activity held by an event provider, relating to skills, knowledge and/or attitude/ behavior gained by participants at the event. These should clearly describe what the learner will know or be able to do after participating in the CPD activity.

Assessment is the measurement of the performance of an individual at a particular point in time, usually against pre-determined standards. Assessments measure progress based on relevant curricula , and the results of assessment may feed into appraisal if appropriate.

A process consisting in collecting, synthesizing, interpreting obtained information for the purpose of “decision making”

The results of an assessment should allow sound inferences about what learners know, believe and can do in defined contexts

Appraisal is an ongoing, two-way process involving reflection on an individual’s performance, identification of education needs, and planning for personal development. The focus is on the appraisee and his or her professional development needs

Evaluation : Process designed to provide information that will help us make a judgment about a given situation


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