IMRT 2018

Recommended readings

• Das, Med Phys 38, 2008. Accelerator beam data commissioning equipment and procedures: Report of the TG-106 of the Therapy Physics Committee of the AAPM • Ezzell, MedPhys 30, 2003. Guidance document on delivery, treatment planning, and clinical implementation of IMRT: Report of the IMRT subcommittee of the AAPM radiation therapy committee • Low Med Phys 38,2011. Dosimetry tools and techniques for IMRT • Klein MedPhys 36, 2009. Task Group 142 report: Quality assurance of medical accelerators • IAEA TRS483 2017. Dosimetry of small static fields used in external beam radiotherapy • IPEM, Small Field MV Photon Dosimetry, IPEM Rep. 103, 2010 • IAEA TRS-398, 2006. Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy: An International Code of Practice for Dosimetry based on Standards of Absorbed Dose to Water • Alfonso MedPhys 35, 2008. Reference dosimetry of small and nonstandard fields • Miften, MedPhys 45, 2018. Tolerance limits and methodologies for IMRT measurement-based verification QA: Recommendations of AAPM Task Group No. 218

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