ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Lower GI

ESTRO 2024

- Witjes CD, Patel AS, Shenoy A, Boyce S, East JE, Cunningham C. Oncological outcome after local treatment for early stage rectal cancer. Surgical Endoscopy. 2021;36(1):489–97.

- Jeong J-U, Nam T-K, Kim H-R, Shim H-J, Kim Y-H, Yoon MS, et al. Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy instead of revision radical resection after local excision for high-risk early rectal cancer. Radiation Oncology. 2016;11(1).

- Bach SP. Can we save the rectum by watchful waiting or transanal surgery following (chemo) radiotherapy versus total mesorectal excision for early rectal cancer (Star ‐ Trec)? protocol for the international, Multicentre, rolling phase II/III partially randomized patient preference trial evaluating long ‐ course concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus short ‐ course radiotherapy organ preservation approaches. Colorectal Disease. 2022;24(5):639–51.

- Jones HJ, Cunningham C. Adjuvant radiotherapy after local excision of rectal cancer. Acta Oncologica. 2019;58(sup1).


Digital Poster

RAPIDOprotocol and quality of life for rectal cancer patients:experience of a Tunisian cancer center

Rihem Fayala, Sabrine Tbessi, Bouchra Naija, Dalia Yazid, Imene Abdellatif, Rym Zanzouri, Souha Massoudi, Ons Bettaieb, Samia Kanoun Belaajouza, Nadia Bouzid, Sameh Tebra Mrad

Farhat Hached Hospital of Sousse, Radiotherapy, sousse, Tunisia


Rectal cancer represents a significant health concern, given the complexity and the toxicity associated with its therapeutic management, associating radio-chemotherapy and surgery, resulting in an alteration in quality of life in its various aspects.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the somatic and psychological quality of life of patients treated using the RAPIDO protocol.


A descriptive transversal study was conducted on 25 patients treated for rectal cancer under the RAPIDO protocol at the Sousse radiotherapy department, between 2020 and 2021.The quality of life was evaluated using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C29 questionnaire, which consists of 29 questions divided into 5 dimensions. Each question is scored from one to four. The different scores are calculated additively.


The median age was 59 [42-78]. The sex ratio was 1.7. The majority of patients were of urban origin [80%], and all patients mentioned the presence of family members. Twenty-one patients [88%] had no history of pelvic surgery.

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