ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Mixed sites, palliation
ESTRO 2024
radiotherapy were fatigue and pain. After radiotherapy, the median of Functions and Symptoms scores were unchanged, and about one third of patients had deteriorated functioning scores, with around one fifth of patients having at least a 10-point drop, which was deemed clinically relevant. Deterioration of GH, PF and RF were all correlated with increased age (Spearman, p<0.001). Neural networks were able to predict 10-point deteriorated based on baseline PROMs data, age, gender, diagnosis code, staff-assessed performance status at CT simulation GH with AUC=0.73, PF with AUC=0.71, RF with AUC=0.70, EF with AUC=0.72, CF with AUC=0.67, and SF with AUC=0.69.
Figure 2. EORTC QLQ C30 Symptoms Scales prior to radiotherapy.
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