ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Urology
ESTRO 2024
A total of 376 patients (BP=146, RC=230) were eligible for inclusion. Study cohort characteristics are shown in Table 1. Patients in the BP group were older (median age 63 years vs 58 years), and had higher co-morbidities (71.2% vs 45.7%). Proportion of T2 stage was higher (66.4% vs 37.8%) and obstructive hydroureteronephrosis was lower (14.4% vs 47.4%) in the BP group, reflecting the patient selection criteria for bladder preservation. About a third of patients in both the groups received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Documented reason for bladder preservation was patients’ choice in a large majority (86.3%), or not being fit for RC (13.7%). A majority of patients (83%) received concurrent chemotherapy in the BP group, mostly with cisplatin or gemcitabine. In the RC group, 29.1% patients had pathological involvement of pelvic nodes and subsequently received adjuvant chemotherapy. Median follow-up for RC and BP groups was 27 and 21 months respectively. Recurrences were observed in 27.8 % patients in the RC group, with distant failure in 15.2% patients. In the BP group, 34.2% patients had recurrent cancer, with invasive local recurrence within the bladder in 13% patients. For BP vs RC, 2-year DFS was 73.1 vs 73.4 months (p=0.917) (figure 1), 2-year CSS was 79.1% vs 82.1% (p=0.806), and 2-year OS was 75.1% vs 73.1% (p=0.427). Two-year bladder preservation rate with BP was 79.7%.
Table 1: Cohort characteristics
BP, n=146 (100%)
RC, n=230 (100%)
Age (years)
Median (range) 63 (31-88)
58 (32-81)
104 (71.2)
105 (45.7)
<0.001 (T2 vs T3 T4)
T stage (AJCC 8th)
97 (66.4)
87 (37.8)
39 (26.7)
122 (53)
10 (6.8)
21 (9.1)
21 (14.4)
109 (47.4)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
41 (28.1)
69 (30)
Perioperative chemotherapy
146 (63.5)
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