ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book


Interdisciplinary – Other

ESTRO meets Asia 2024


1. Bolognia JL JJ. Dermatology, 3rd edition. London; 2012. (Elsevier Saunders).

2. Limandjaja GC, Niessen FB, Scheper RJ, Gibbs S. The Keloid Disorder: Heterogeneity, Histopathology, Mechanisms and Models. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:360.

3. Ogawa R. Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars Are the Result of Chronic Inflammation in the Reticular Dermis. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Mar 10;18(3).

4. Petrou IG, Jugun K, Rüegg EM, Zilli T, Modarressi A, Pittet-Cuénod B. Keloid treatment: what about adjuvant radiotherapy? Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2019;12:295–301.

5. Liu EK, Cohen RF, Chiu ES. Radiation therapy modalities for keloid management: A critical review. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2022 Aug;75(8):2455–65.

6. Ojeh N, Bharatha A, Gaur U, Forde AL. Keloids: Current and emerging therapies. Scars Burn Heal. 2020 Dec;6:2059513120940499.


8. Mankowski P, Kanevsky J, Tomlinson J, Dyachenko A, Luc M. Optimizing Radiotherapy for Keloids: A Meta Analysis Systematic Review Comparing Recurrence Rates Between Different Radiation Modalities. Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Apr;78(4):403–11.

9. Wen P, Wang T, Zhou Y, Yu Y, Wu C. A retrospective study of hypofractionated radiotherapy for keloids in 100 cases. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 11;11(1):3598.

10. Duan Q, Liu J, Luo Z, Hu C. Postoperative brachytherapy and electron beam irradiation for keloids: A single institution retrospective analysis. Mol Clin Oncol. 2015 May;3(3):550–4.

11. Ogawa R, Tosa M, Dohi T, Akaishi S, Kuribayashi S. Surgical excision and postoperative radiotherapy for keloids. Scars Burn Heal. 2019 Dec;5:2059513119891113.

12. Renz P, Hasan S, Gresswell S, Hajjar RT, Trombetta M, Fontanesi J. Dose Effect in Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Resected Keloids. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Sep 1;102(1):149–54.

13. Hoang D, Reznik R, Orgel M, Li Q, Mirhadi A, Kulber DA. Surgical Excision and Adjuvant Brachytherapy vs External Beam Radiation for the Effective Treatment of Keloids: 10-Year Institutional Retrospective Analysis. Aesthet Surg J. 2017 Feb;37(2):212–25.

14. Shen J, Lian X, Sun Y, Wang X, Hu K, Hou X, et al. Hypofractionated electron-beam radiation therapy for keloids: retrospective study of 568 cases with 834 lesions. J Radiat Res. 2015 Sep;56(5):811–7.

15. Kal HB, Veen RE. Biologically effective doses of postoperative radiotherapy in the prevention of keloids. Dose-effect relationship. Strahlenther Onkol. 2005 Nov;181(11):717–23.

16. Sakamoto T, Oya N, Shibuya K, Nagata Y, Hiraoka M. Dose-response relationship and dose optimization in radiotherapy of postoperative keloids. Radiother Oncol. 2009 May;91(2):271–6.

17. Flickinger JC. A radiobiological analysis of multicenter data for postoperative keloid radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 Mar 15;79(4):1164–70.

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