ESTRO 37 Abstract book

Conclusion The existing literature on this topic tends to look at qualified staff with little acknowledgment of the possibility that trainees may also experience this aspect of work. These results show that there it is not only an issue for qualified staff and that students, particularly female students are also at risk of compassion fatigue and mechanisms should be put in place to prevent compassion fatigue in this group. EP-2399 Benchmarking UK practice for fiducial marker insertion prior to prostate radiotherapy S. Alexander 1 , J. Kinsella 2 , H. McNair 3 , A.C. Tree 4 1 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Radiotherapy, Sutton, United Kingdom 2 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Uro-oncology, Chelsea, United Kingdom 3 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research, Radiotherapy, Sutton, United Kingdom 4 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research, Uro-oncology, Sutton, United Kingdom Purpose or Objective In the UK fiducial marker IGRT is the second most common verification method employed in radical prostate radiotherapy 1 yet there is little evidence to support centres introducing or developing this practice. We developed a survey to elicit current fiducial marker practices adopted in the UK to recommend standardisation of practice through agreement. Material and Methods A 16 question survey was developed to gather information regarding the insertion of fiducial markers including; patient preparation, imaging during treatment and multi-professional workforce development in the UK. A combination of yes/no, multiple-choice and open- ended questions were used. The survey was made available electronically through in addition to a paper copy. The survey was publicised at the British Uro-Oncology Group (BUG) Conference, 2016. Radiotherapy Service Managers were also informed of the survey via e-mail and asked to forward the survey link to the appropriate individual within their centre. The survey was open to responses from September 2016 to January 2017. Participation in the survey was voluntary without remuneration. Results Twenty surveys were returned; four responses were from centres not utilising prostate fiducial markers, one response was duplication, fifteen responses were received from centres routinely inserting fiducial markers for prostate IGRT. Across these fifteen UK centres eleven professional groups insert fiducial markers, Urology Consultants most commonly. Fourteen centres inserted fiducial markers trans-rectally; one trans-perineal insertion. Twelve centres administered anaesthetic prior to fiducial marker insertion. The 14 centres using a transrectal approach administered prophylactic ciprofloxacin as a single agent or in combination with gentamicin or metronidazole. There was poor agreement between regimes presented. Only one centre screened for ciprofloxacin resistant organisms. Nine centres continued patients on low dose aspirin. Five brands of fiducial markers are utilised across the UK. Single markers, 3 mm long with a diameter or 1.0-1.2 mm are most popular. Fourteen centres standardly inserted three single fiducial markers into the prostate, two common configurations emerged. One centre inserted two coupled fiducial markers, two other centres utilise coupled markers for CyberKnife (Accuray Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) patients only.

other Allied Health Professions to help streamline and improve care within their own specific area and improve patient throughput and satisfaction. EP-2398 Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue in Student Therapeutic Radiographers D. Flinton 1 , P. Cherry 1 , R. Thorne 1 , L. Mannion 1 , C. O'Sullivan 1 , R. Khine 2 1 CIty- University of London, Radiography, London, United Kingdom 2 South Bank University, Radiography, London, United Kingdom Purpose or Objective As with other caring professions, therapeutic radio- graphers gain satisfaction from providing compassionate care to patients and their families, however, they are also at risk for compassion fatigue, and a pervasive negative attitude as a result of caring for others. The balance between compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue which can be described as the “cost of caring” is referred to as the professional quality of life. Objective: To establish the prevalence of compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue in student therapeutic radio- graphers. Material and Methods The study was conducted at the lead author’s institution. Student radiographers in each year of their training were surveyed using a demographic questionnaire and the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL). The questionnaire looks at compassion satisfaction (CS), the pleasure derived from being able to work with people who need care and Compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue consists of two subscales, burnout (BO), which looks at exhaustion, frustration, anger and depression and secondary trauma stress (STS), a negative feeling driven by fear and work-related trauma. The survey ran for a period of three years with students being surveyed at the same point in time each year at the end of their final long clinical block which was devoid of any assessments. Results The study recruited 90 student radiographers and indicated that the student body were at risk of STS. Compassion satisfaction remained relatively constant during the training period whereas compassion fatigue levels were elevated in the year 3 compared to year 1. Only a small change was noted in burnout whilst STS showed significant difference between year 1 and year 3 (t=3.48, p=0.001) first years reporting an average score of 18.0 compared to 22.0 in year 3. Although STS increased in both male and female students, only female students showed a significant increase in STS (t=3.17, p=0.002), see although both genders showed a mark increase in this score. Personality traits measure showed no correlation to any of the factors measured, but the level of change did appear to be related to hospital site (Figure 1).

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