ESTRO 37 Abstract book
All centres delayed at least 1 week between fiducial insertion and planning CT, with seven centres waiting two weeks. The most common fiducial verification methods is two dimensional, paired kilo Voltage (kV) images. Conclusion There is considerable variation in fiducial marker practice across the UK. Based on current UK practice and supporting literature, seven recommendations for fiducial marker best practice have been outlined (Table 1) . Implementation of these in to UK departments would assist standardisation of national practice. They also prove to support naïve centres and healthcare professionals developing this service.
activity levels and of those who do give advice this was only verbal. Reported barriers in providing PA advice included unawareness of guidelines, not knowing how to best bring it into a discussion with patients and not knowing where to refer patients to. Barriers were addressed by increasing awareness around the importance of health promotion and radiographers undergoing face to face training and e-learning on the topic of physical activity and cancer. Following addressing radiographers’ barriers there was an increase in the number of conversations held with patients about the importance of Physical activity. Therapy Radiographers’ capability, opportunity and motivation in having these conversations also improved. Conclusion The findings illustrate that through addressing Therapy Radiographers barriers in delivery PA advice they are more likely offer PA advice to patients and the number of conversations held with patients on promoting physical activity increases. The experiences and findings from this study can help inform the development of a similar service in other radiotherapy departments. EP-2401 Simulation checklist minimizes errors in the simulation/image acquisition process C. Montiel Pacheco 1 , E. Heras Vila 1 , T. Borda Zambrana 1 , A. Lorente Pau 1 , D. Garcia Relancio 1 , J. Giralt 1 1 hospital Universitari Vall D' Hebron, Oncology- Radiotherapy, Barcelona, Spain Purpose or Objective To record and analyze incidents derived from the simulation checklist, and generate improvement actions that help us reduce these incidents. Material and Methods A simulation checklist to verify all the necessary steps to perform a radiotherapy simulation was designed (Fig. 1). This checklist has 18 items related to: patient information, network verification, simulation data, image acquisition and OARs delimitation. Electronic Poster: RTT track: Risk management/quality management
EP-2400 Implementing physical activity health advice among cancer patients in the radiotherapy department. P. Nickola 1 1 The London Clinic, Radiotherapy, London, United Kingdom Purpose or Objective Being physically active (PA) has many benefits for cancer patients, by improving overall outcomes and survival rates. However, in the UK only 23% of cancer patients are active to the national recommendations and 31% are completely inactive. It is a requirement that all health professionals advise cancer survivors to be PA to help improve patient outcomes. However few oncology health professionals do this. Patient education is an essential component of radiotherapy practice with Therapeutic Radiographers providing care to patients often over a number of weeks and are therefore well placed to offer PA advice to patients. This service improvement project aimed to address Therapy Radiographers’ barriers in providing PA advice to increase the number of conversations on PA held between Therapy Radiographers and cancer patients. Material and Methods The Plan, Do, Study, Act method was used in addition to the Public Health England everyday interactions impact toolkit to measure the number of increased PA conversations held between Therapy Radiographers and cancer patients. An anonymous survey identified Therapy Radiographers’ current practice and barriers in providing PA advice. Following addressing reported barriers focus group interviews measured radiographers self-reported capability, opportunity, and motivation in having conversations with patients. As this project was termed as a service evaluation it did not require ethical approval. The data was obtained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Results Twenty radiographers were involved in this project. A response rate of 44% was received for the questionnaire. 56% of Therapy Radiographers ask patients about their
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