09:35 > The role of immunotherapy for recurrent/metastatic disease with emphasis on the complications Speaker: L. Licitra (Italy)
SYMPOSIUM Novelties in organ-and function sparing treatment in rectal cancer 08:45 - 10:00 | ROOM 117 Organ sparing procedures are becoming increasingly popular in rectal cancer and are a perfect illustration of the importance of multimodality treatment and the interaction between the different disciplines. In this session, the audience will become acquainted with surgical dilemma’s with regard to patient selection, evaluation and follow-up. In addition, novel imaging techniques to evaluate clinical complete responses will be discussed. From a radiotherapeutical viewpoint, the different approaches to achieve maximal tumor downstaging will be addressed, as well as the optimal interval between the radiotherapy and evaluation. Evidence for dose escalation including brachytherapy and contacttherapy will be given. Chair: C. Marijnen (The Netherlands) Co-Chair: B. Urbanski (Poland)
08:45 > TME, TEM or Wait and See? The surgeon’s perspective Speaker: R. Perez (Brazil)
09:03 > Targeted imaging in rectal cancer
Speaker: A. Vahrmeijer (The Netherlands)
09:21 > The optimal radiotherapy approach for organ preservation Speaker: K. Bujko (Poland)
09:39 > Dose escalation for non-surgical management Speaker: A.L. Appelt (United Kingdom)
SYMPOSIUM Cosmetic appearance after brachytherapy 08:45 - 10:00 | ROOM 129-130
Cosmetic appearance is important in quality of life and a clinical relevant point for optimal treatment. However, data about cosmetic appearance effects of interventional radiotherapy (IRT) is scarce when compared with other treatment outcomes. This symposium emphasises the importance of cosmetic status measurements for IRT. The methodology applied and an overview on future tendencies are presented. The cosmetic results of the most important European APBI studies will be highlighted and compared to the literature. Special attention is given to the facial grow and
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Programme and Exhibition Guide
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