
also examine what impact in vivo measurement results have on clinical practice, with results for multiple clinical sites. Chair: C. Clark (United Kingdom) Co-Chair: M. Giżyńska (Poland) 09:15 > MOSkin detectors for in vivo measurement of rectal wall dose in prostate SBRT boosts Speaker: J. Lehmann (Australia)



09:40 > Scintillation detectors for in vivo dose validation in brachytherapy Speaker: K. Tanderup (Denmark)


10:05 > In vivo dose verification method for SBRT-VMAT delivery using EPID Speaker: E. Van Uytven (Canada), P. McCowan, T. VanBeek, B.M. McCurdy


SYMPOSIUM Advanced planning 09:15 - 10:30  |  ROOM 129-130

More and more departments are exploring automated treatment planning; either using in-house software or vendor based solutions. The clinical implementation of automated planning brings with it many challenges. This session will discuss strategies for translating theoretical scientific concepts into practical solutions for routine clinical application. A range of topics will be explored including dose painting, the use of non-coplanar beams, small margins with sharp dose fall off, as well as a summary of the current literature in the field. Chair: E. Forde (Ireland) Co-Chair: L. Capone (Italy)

09:15 > Dose painting

Speaker: B. Speleers (Belgium), W. De Neve, I. Madani


09:40 > Automated treatment planning - from theory to practice

Speaker: C. Timmermans (The Netherlands), E. Venema, J. Penninkof, S. Petit, B. Heijmen


10:05 > Robotic Planning: achieving dosimetric optimisation through optimal patient comfort and positioning Speaker: H. Taylor (United Kingdom), C. Meehan, P. Sturt, N. Fotiadis


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